
Thermos method: what is it, process technology

The temperature of the mastic should not be higher than +40 ° C to avoid evaporation of gasoline. The thermos is allowed waterproofing work at a temperature of air up to -30 ° C. At the same time, the waterproofing coating is allowed to freeze and the device in excess of the waterproofing of protective cement-sand or asphalt screed.

The method is as follows. Concrete preparation or reinforced plate is cleaned of snow or ice, primed by the composition of the BND 4060 bitumen dissolved in non -eject gasoline in a ratio of 3:70. The primer can be applied using the S-562 installation, after which the usual cement screed is arranged with a layer of 30 mm with mobility for the shrinkage of the cone no more. A cement-sand or asphalt screed with a thickness of 40 mm is laid according to freshly laid waterproofing. Next, reinforcing nets are laid and the coating is concreted. Under these conditions, the cold asphalt mastic is stabilized. All this makes it possible to conduct a waterproofing device in winter. Today you can purchase high -quality thermal insulation materials from a reliable supplier at competitive prices.

The paste is prepared at a stationary installation, and the mastic on its basis is prepared directly at the facility in the woven temporary room. The strip processed during the shift is protected by a light, sheer canopy, rearranged from a capture of a tower crane. The width of the simultaneously processed strip is taken 2 m, neighboring grips along the edges are primed with bitumen in gasoline. The consumption of cold asphalt mastic per 1 m2 of waterproofing is 35 kg.

Mastic BLK-bitumen-mesh-dimensional for rolled roofs differs from bituminous in that it does not require heating in both the warm and cold times of the year.

The disadvantage of the mastic BLK is that it does not hold the roll material on vertical and steep surfaces, as a result of which it is necessary to use bitumen hot mastic for them.