
The secrets of cooking putty: what to take into account

It would seem that such an elementary process as putty does not require special skills. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance: it is also necessary to be able to properly putty any surfaces. A variety of cracks, potholes and pits – all this requires thorough processing. Everyone knows that putty does not tolerate laziness and do it “anymore” will not work – in the future all flaws will cost not only money, but also nerves. We will try to tell you how to properly and carefully put completely any surface.

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The first thing to do is to prepare correctly. The most important thing is to collect the necessary tools for such a process. These include:

Putty – it is advisable to purchase it separately for each layer

Vessel in which the material will be bred


Stick or construction mixer

Spatulas diverse

The skin

Do not believe that the process of putty is a matter worthy of only a professional. In fact, this process is not complicated, the main thing in it is to take into account small details and nuances.

Each subsequent layer of putty is superimposed after the previous.

During the breeding of the mixture, use the respirator for the benefit of your own health.

When using a wide spatula, the mixture is best applied to it in small – this will greatly facilitate the whole process.

After work, wash off the tools only with warm water and do not wash off putty into the sewer if you do not want to get a headache in the form of a block of pipes.

Within three days after application, putty should not be exposed to moisture, high or low temperatures.

There is nothing complicated in the putty process. The main thing is to follow all the rules and safety measures while working with it.