
Silicate paint: what is, features

In their composition, silicate colors are very similar to minerals, they are the same one -part and potassium glass is also used for their production. In addition, they also have organic additives.

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The main scope of silicate colors is staining of architectural monuments, facades of buildings, as well as work related to the repair of indoors. In addition, silicate paints are widely used in painting concrete, brick and stone walls.

Silicature paints perfectly tolerate temperature changes and protect the wood from fire and rotting. Such paints are applied as if it were impossible to combine a transparent layer with vapor permeability. In other words, such a paint allows you to breathe the surfaces on which it is applied.

When working with silicate paints, it is necessary to observe the requirements. This is due to the fact that they are in their composition alkalis. In addition, it should be remembered that these colors cannot be painted by some surfaces. Such surfaces include metal, glass and ceramics. This restriction is also associated with alkalis, as they corrode surfaces. Therefore, for the more painless use of silicate colors, special additives are created in the form of alkaline pigments. And this very much limits their color assortment. To another significant drawback of silicate colors, their poor elasticity can be ranked.

The strongest and most weak side of silicate colors is their durability. It would seem that it could be bad from the fact that the paint can last at least 20 years without problems, but this is not the whole problem in this. The fact is that it is simply unrealistic to repaint or remove silicate paint, since it really fuses with a painted surface.