
Product Cost: What is the price of

For the first five years from the start of the construction of the first production capacity, the total cost of the products entered into force three new production capacities in the volume of six annual production pays out capital investments in the creation of 1.5 to 3 production capacities.

Over ten years, the cost of the products of eight production capacities in the amount of 36-year production pays for capital investments in the creation of 9 to 18 production capacities, that is, until the construction and commissioning of the tenth production capacity and without taking into account the production of the ninth capacity, begins to be completed, begins Since the beginning of the eleventh year, and the tenth power, starting from the beginning of the twelfth year. And today there are other plants and companies that produce excellent products.

At the end of the year from the start of construction, the cost of products received over ten years of operation of the first capacity and, respectively, less for the year of operation of each next, up to one year of operation of the last, tenth, of the new production capacities, can not only recoup capital investments to the creation of all ten production capacities but also give the national economy additional accumulations in a significant amount. The calculation convinces that the concentration of construction contributes to the rhythmic high -speed construction and consistent input in a short time of each of the ten production capacities within 11 years from the start of construction and during the operation of the last tenth power only within one year ensures the overall production of production of ten new capacities in the volume of 55-year production.