
Observations on the construction: what research should be done

Reducing the pH destroys the passivity of the reinforcement in concrete, which could be installed according to the reinforcement partially located in the zone that has passed the stage of carbonation, and partially in the zone that did not pass this stage, corrosion of the reinforcement was clearly visible in the first zone and was completely absent in the second. Zones that have passed the stage of carbonation, in the presence of concrete at the age of about 30 and 10 years, have a thickness of 4 cm and 1.5 cm respectively.

These tests make it possible to clarify in the results of the studied cases of corrosion of metal stairs and it is advisable to more widely use and deepen this method in the process of observation of structures that have damage from corrosion.

In the sightseeing report of the wrap and reports of national groups of eleven countries, the state of prefabricated reinforced concrete in all areas of construction was considered; The desire for the industrialization of the processes of the production of prefabricated structures, especially in countries with a higher cost of payment of manual labor and lower cost of mechanisms, was noted. Oberti,. pointing to the specifics of construction production, noted that its development is lags behind the modern progress of industry. This is also expressed in the fact that along with high achievements of construction equipment in each country, at the same time, there are often craft views on construction, in which the share of manual processes, in any case in some countries, is relatively high.

The Oberst (Italy) report was drawn up on the basis of an international review of the pre -assembly reinforced concrete, containing 11 reports received from the national groups of Belgium, the GDR, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and USA. Soviet experience in building reinforced concrete in the field of bridge was covered in the Congress with separate reports. The scale and methods of prefabricated construction and its focus leading to the full industrialization of the prefabricated bridge, confirmed the high level of Soviet equipment in this area.