An important aspect in the construction of houses is the creation of good waterproofing. With constant dampness in the basement, the foundation will quickly collapse.
During the construction of new houses, external waterproofing is used. In old houses in which you can’t get to the foundation, internal waterproofing is used. In order to get reliable internal waterproofing, special solutions are used.
Membrane solutions are applied to the surface, forming a water -repellent film on it. Apply such a solution is quite simple, and this process does not require special skills and tools. After some time, the protective properties of the water -repellent layer disappear, and you will have to apply the solution again.
Penetrating solution when applying to the surface, reacts and waterproofing. This significantly increases the water -repellent properties and surface strength of concrete.
Depending on the nature of the action of water on the basement, the waterproofing may be: 1. Underwear. Such protection eliminates the negative impact on the basement of floods and precipitation. Such protection is achieved when applying polymer and bitumen solutions. High -quality bituminous coating waterproofing will become durable protection. You can find out more on the site
Pay attention to all possible ways to get moisture into the basement. Perhaps moisture falls into the basement as condensate from heating pipes, in this case you need to check the leaks in the pipes and insulate them.
Particular attention should be paid to good ventilation of the basement. High -quality ventilation will save the basement of excess humidity.