
Installation of the window in detail: Detailed instruction

By forming the facade of the building, we always take into account the aesthetic effect created by the windows, but we absolutely miss their value in the formation of the internal interior.

The main function of the window for the room is to provide sufficient illumination in the daytime, in the evening this function goes to other lighting sources.

The architecture adopted norms by which the ratio of the area of ​​the windows to the floor area ranges from 1: 8 to 1: 5. 5, depending on the side of the light where it is directed.

There are special interior techniques associated with windows, for example, in ancient French architecture, the exit to the balcony was performed in the form of a double -leaf door opening out.

The so -called “French balcony” with such doors creates a feeling of unity of the inner and external environment. When glazing, which occupies a large area, you should worry about maintaining heat in the house and putting windows with high heat -protective properties.

An important factor is the location of the furniture in the room. For proper illumination, something should be from the window further, but something closer. You can always fix errors in the arrangement of furniture after, . how to live a little indoors and then rearrange the furniture, as you are comfortable.

For large rooms, windows often set a certain tone and style.

So, for example, traditional windows in the form of arches or vertical rectangles, more consistent with rooms decorated in the classic style.

In modern architecture, the forms of windows in the form of squares, triangles, trapezoids, etc. are currently widespread.

The interior of your home can enrich the creation of a bay window, and any shape: semicircular, triangular and even hexagonal. Another of the architectural techniques is the creation of a two -light premises.

You can reduce the light openings of your windows with the help of false reapers. When setting the windows, never forget that in addition to their main function – to let the light into the house, the windows should still maintain heat, protect from extraneous invasion and from noise from the street.