
How to make an interior in the Scandinavian style

The interior in the Scandinavian style cannot be withstanded without openness – the rooms should not be strictly cluttered. One of the main keys to create an illusion of absolutely limitless and free space is the use of single -color walls, floor and ceiling.

The color is capable of not only combined, but also distinguish – for example, using the color you can visually select the zone for working at the computer in the bedroom.

Natural wood

The situation of the so -called Swedish apartment is, of course, an abundance of wood. If you do not plan wooden flooring or walls, pay attention to the frame of wood to framed paintings and upholstered furniture with natural wooden trim.

The main requirement: the most empty space, straight angles and light wood, as well as the use of the right forms. The furniture should be reliable, durable and inspire trust in this sense, but not create a feeling of excessive massiveness, racks or narrow penalties, shelves for books or souvenirs will look great.


In order to avoid the emergence of excessive severity, severity or asceticism in the interior of the apartment, you can safely love the hand-made just like the Swedes. Sofa pillows, bedspreads or chairs for armchairs, curtains with embroidery or pots: all this can bring a cozy atmosphere to the house and so the necessary warmth.

The computer table will fit into this interior. It is not difficult to buy a computer table in our time, you just need to go to a specialized store or on an Internet portal engaged in sales. Choose only the best for yourself!