
Household culture: what you need to know

It is known that many buildings of our cities are in a deplorable state. And if the external facades still put in order, then the interior in the vast majority of cases are raw and with signs of fungal lesions and mold. Plaster on such walls can no longer serve as the basis for subsequent repair? since it has lost its strength.

In order to cope with a similar situation? There are the following recommendations:

-We remove the old plaster to a solid base.

-We carry out antifungal processing of walls with special solutions.

-We do the surface treatment with a primer. The primer is designed to provide strong contact with subsequent finishing material.

-For the time, if there are cracks and holes through which water seeped, then they must be expanded first, and then camel with a special material by the hydraulic fiber.

-Next, the surface is covered with coating waterproofing in two layers. Moreover, the layers are superimposed with an ordinary painting brush in transverse directions with intermediate drying.

-And only after all the above operations can you begin plastering.

Similar procedures must be done for the floor. At the same time, we must not forget that in raw rooms for floor repair, materials are used on a cement basis.

At the choice of materials, unfortunately, it is not possible to give a general advice since each specific case requires its own specifics. Here, already, specialists-consultants in building materials should help you.

It should be noted that timely and high -quality repair can significantly increase the intervals between major repairs and extend the operational life of the building.

To align concrete after pouring, grout machines are used, which in three stages will add any surface almost mirror smoothness. Modern models of grouting machines are highly performance with their compactness.