
Final parameters: how to calculate yourself

We calculate the final parameters of the auxiliary air flow for the operating conditions of the air conditioner KDI. We determine the increase in thermal maintenance of the auxiliary flow of air in the heat exchanger of the first stage due to the transition of the heat allotted from the main flow. As an example, the calculation indicators for the cities of the Soviet Union, representing the areas of Central Asia, the Volga region, the Transcaucasia (central part), Western Siberia, and the middle lane are given as an example. Primorsky areas are excluded from the consideration of climatic areas (g. Sochi, Vladivostok, Odessa, Riga and others.), where there is high humidity of the outer air and where the use of evaporative cooling air conditioners does not ensure the achievement of favorable internal air parameters in the maintenance of the rooms. Chosen for consideration of cities represent not only climatic areas, where in the summer the low air humidity is also noted in the summer at a high temperature (which is most favorable for the use of evaporative cooling), but there is also increased humidity (g (g. Astrakhan, Kyiv, Tbilisi), in which the use of evaporative cooling is still advisable. The data on the work of the air conditioners of the CDI was obtained by calculation using the above experimental data on temperature coefficients of efficiency. Based on the results of calculations, for most cities, values ​​of the final temperature of the main flow after evaporative cooling in the air conditioner, from, to ° C with relative humidity 58% were obtained. Having the supply air with such parameters, it is possible to achieve the internal air environment in the maintenance of the conditions at the level of “permissible” conditions, and in some cases “most comfortable”. The exception is cities such as Astrakhan, where there is a higher outer air humidity and the final temperature is, ° C. However, in these climatic zones, the use of KDI air conditioners significantly improves the air environment in the premises compared to the use of simple supply ventilation without cooling air.