
Development of trenches and pits: how to do it with your own hands

When developing trenches by trenches, their width is determined by the width of the working bodies of the mechanism, the depth can be 3-3.5 m. Trench excavators equipped with additional screw or chain equipment can tear off trapezoidal cross -sectional trenches with inclined walls with a laying of 1: 0.45 or more.

For the installation of trenches with more gentle walls, including reclamation channels, special mechanisms are used – the capture of the plow type trailers or self -propelled – native and screws. Plattering canal caps are used to dig small channels up to 0.7 m deep, since with an increase in depth, the traction force for moving the canalcap increases sharply. Milling canal caps allow you to tear off channels up to 1.7 m with a depth of slopes 1: 1. For digging deeper channels, combined, usually screw channel -cutters are used to tear off channels with a depth of 2 or more m.

When developing wide and shallow trenches and channels, scrapers, graders and bulldozers are widely used. Digging is carried out by a number of sequential passages of mechanisms with the movement of soil to the ads. When arranging temporary trenches, the excessed soil is laid along the edge of at least a meter for reverse backfill after carrying out the necessary work, and the excess is used to carry out planning work or taken by vehicles to the decoction.

The development of pits is carried out by universal excavators and scraper. Shallow pits can come off using graders and bulldozers. When working with excavators with a straight shovel, the excavator moves along the bottom of the pit, the soil developed is taken out of the foundation pit most often by vehicle.

If the development is carried out by an excavator with a reverse shovel, the excavator is installed on the edge of the pit. The extracted soil can be directly fitted into the dump, forming a gentleman, or loads into vehicles. When the constant excavation is arranged, the cavalier is poured no closer than five meters from the foundation of the pit.