
Buy Irkutsk Luggage: Choice Criteria

Larch grows in different regions of our country. However, the northern wood is considered the most durable and durable. It is not surprising that many want to buy Irkutsk larch. Moreover, in the Irkutsk region, a larch accounts for up to 30% of the area occupied by forests. Larch is widely used in wooden construction. The fact is that its wood contains a relatively small amount of cellulose, and at the same time – a large number of gum and resins. This makes it especially firm and durable. For the same reason, larch is practically not used for paper production, since its processing is difficult. At the same time, piles often make such wood, since it is practically not exposed to moisture, even salty, and over the years it becomes stronger. The presence of gum, on one side, makes it firm, protects it from pests. On the other hand, the same compound creates the conditions for cracking wood under prolonged exposure to sunlight. That is why the larch should undergo drying and processing in the factory, which makes it more durable, durable and resistant to sunlight.

It is curious that in industry not only wood wood is used, but also its resin, which has healing properties. The larch bark contains many tannins, which are also used in industry. A unique mushroom parasitizes on larch – larch sponge. Although it has a wood -defering property, it is used in the pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of agricanism used to treat tuberculosis.