
Bright ceiling as a new trend: how to choose a color

If boring and monotonous interiors in one color have long been boring for a long time, then it is worth focusing on the ceiling area. And if this may look inappropriate and visually reduce the living area inside the apartment, then in the cottage outside the city will say such a decision about your courage and good taste. For example, in a snow -white kitchen you can make accents not only on a counterattack made of natural wood, but also to paint the ceiling in the color of the sea wave, which will give some Mediterranean piquancy to the room.

Blue color and all its close derivatives are very often used by designers for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom, in a shower or on the territory of a closed pool, which is always nice to have in the house or in the country outside the city. But with green and olive shades you need to be careful – such ceilings can instill anxiety in the hosts, according to this fresh gamut is best used not for the bedroom, but for the hall, a spacious and bright living room.

By the way, a colored ceiling in the house can be both glossy and matte. Both the texture is perfect for white walls and ceiling skirting boards of white color. So it should be remembered that when making apartments, the color gamut of the ceiling can simply duplicate textiles for the house or ornament in upholstery of upholstered furniture, which you chose in advance or bought.

Another colored stylish ceiling takes root perfectly on a small attic where there is a sloping roof. In this case, it is necessary for the room to be filled with light, otherwise the ceiling zone will visually reduce the geometric real dimensions of the room.