Before applying the plaster, it is necessary to prepare the surface prematurely. The surface must be cleaned of the former paint and dust, after applying a liquid primer.
While the surface that we struck dry, there is a little time to start cooking decorative plaster. How to make a solution, manufacturers, as a rule, always write on the package, so that everything must be done strictly according to the instructions. To prepare the solution, it is good to use an electric construction mixer, it will help to do it quickly and without any physical exertion than to do all this manually.
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The use of the mixture is divided into 2 stages – preliminary and finishing. First you need to apply plaster on the plane with a plastic grater. The plaster layer should be approximately 3 millimeters, if it comes out a little more, this is not catastrophic, since with decorative decoration the thickness of the layer will be uniform.
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It is necessary to apply plaster without breaks in work, but if you still need to suspend the work, then at the end of the layer of plaster the masking tape is glued, which is plaster. Thus, the joints between the areas are inconspicuous.
After the plaster is applied to the surface, you need to take a short break for five minutes. During this time, the plaster will grab and become stiff. Now it is just right to proceed to the finishing stage.
We hold the plastic grater relative to the base and begin to wipe the surface with the same movements. The marble baby, which is included in the set of plaster, begins to roll in a layer under pressure grater and forms a diverse structure. The final pattern on plaster will depend only on your efforts and imagination.
After completion, it remains only to paint what happened to us. For painting, silicate, silicone or acrylic paints are used.