
The presence of a vapor barrier: the advantages of the material

However, to clarify the conclusions of the TsNIIEP of the dwelling, it is necessary to conduct long and year -round studies of the regime on the designs of combined coatings built in various climatic conditions of the USSR. Nevertheless, now we can conclude that the scope of non-prefabricated (continuous) type for areas with any value adopted in the “temporary instructions for the design and device of combined roofs (coatings) of residential and public buildings” (CH 51-59) for areas with any value with any value Winter calculated temperature (even if you have a device from two layers of roofing material) should be limited to areas where this temperature is not lower than -30 ° C.

The presence of a vapor barrier layer located below the layer of insulation contributes to a significant decrease in the amount of moisture absorbed moisture structures for the winter period. For example, a type of type, which differs from a type of type coating only in the last vapor barrier layer, is characterized by an increase in the absorbed moisture by an average of 40%, and a coating of type V from type V is 90%. In this regard, the device of the vapor barrier layer for combined coatings of the non -premised type should be mandatory. An increase in the thickness of the insulation layer, and, consequently, the values ​​of the general thermal resistance of the coating structure almost do not improve the ratio between the amount of absorbed and lost moisture by the coating. For example, for coatings of types V, V and X, differing only in the thickness of the insulation, for the area with an average winter outdoor temperature -20 ° C, the ratio of the amount of absorbed moisture to the lost, respectively, is: 92, 93 and 94% -in this regard. To improve the humid regime of combined coatings, the TsNIEP of the dwelling proposed to be considered the main type of coatings for all climatic regions of the country of coating with ventilated purges, t. e. Ventilated type coatings. This institute proposed five fundamental types of combined coatings.